Serving Northern Ontario since 2000


Myth or Fact? Skincare Products and Treatments

Here are some thoughts from Melanie Vouroit, Medical Esthetician who has recently joined the AAMDS family! Melanie has introduced us to some new technologies that she is offering to our clients, both new and existing. You will want to be sure to come in to meet Melanie and experience first hand what she can do to help you and your skin. :-) ……..

I'm letting you in on a few secrets the skincare industry doesn't want you to know about!

Unfortunately some providers are not even aware of some of these things or if they do know, they simply choose to mislead clients in the name of profit.

It's my job and moral obligation to make sure you don't fall victim to false and harmful fads.

Continue below to read my top 6 products/ treatments.

1. PRP/ VAMPIRE FACIAL (platelet-rich plasma)

Myth: PRP is a suitable and effective treatment for everyone

Fact: Growth factors, cytokines and platelets decrease as we age which means in most cases these treatments prove ineffective and unfortunately do not address the root cause of aging skin and hair loss. The minimal benefits of PRP are simply attributed to angiogenesis and neovascularization (blood flow) and is not a targeted approach. Opt for nutrient rich infusions and DHT blockers via medical microneedling devices and formulations by AnteAGE® and eDermaStamp®, a home care regiment, a healthy lifestyle and to address the root cause of your symptoms.

2. HOME MICRONEEDLING (aka Dermarolling)

Myth: the $14.99 home roller is just as good as the medical grade $129.00 roller.

Fact: Non medical grade rollers are made of cheap metals which can create traumatic micro tears in your skin resulting in scar tissue and textural problems. Opt for medical grade home devices such as AnteAGE® and eDermaStamp® Dermaroller and roll twice a week at night on freshly cleansed skin followed by the application of a quality serum and moisturizer.


Myth: Expensive collagen filled lotions and potions are effective in your skincare routine and spa treatments.

Fact: Collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the epidermis therefore offer no benefit as a topical skincare ingredient for collagen production. Opt for a medical grade home roller used in conjunction with topical actives to stimulate collagen production in the skin such as vitamin C, peptides, growth factors and high molecular hyaluronic acid serums. Ultimately a healthy balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, healthy fats, amino acids, proteins and hydrolyzed marine collagen are the most effective way to manufacture quality collagen from within.


Myth: LED facials performed in conjunction with skincare products such as masks and serums are effective.

Fact: LED lights can only penetrate translucent products and require cumulative exposure for significant results. While a single session may calm inflammation and kill some of the p acne bacteria, significant results are obtained over long term use. Opt for light therapy on freshly exfoliated and cleansed skin prior to the application of products and invest in medical grade home devices such as RejuvaliteMD and LightStim and appropriate eye protection.


Myth: Is suitable for all skin types.

Fact: Everyone's needs are different. I had a client tell me her Dermatologist instructed her to wash her face with a bar of soap! I will leave it at that...In practice I can attest to 9 out of 10 clients who use popular Dermatologist backed products like CeraVe and Cetaphil cleansers to have a compromised PH and congested skin which makes it impossible to perform extractions safely and successfully. I am often left wondering if the skincare industry is similar to that of the pharmaceutical industry where many products are backed by incentivized professionals rather than the ingredients and the quality of them attesting to proven results.


Myth: More is more

Fact: Less is more. Skin cell turnover can occur anywhere between 28 to 90 days depending on the age and health of an individual. Over exfoliation can result in a wide range of unwanted effects such as inflammation, premature aging, unbalanced PH, skin infections, flaky dry skin, breakouts/ exacerbation of acne, etc.

Our skin and oil glands are separate with different functions. When we strip the skin, our oil glands continue to produce sebum. In fact our glands will often produce even more sebum to replace what has been removed in order to protect the skin. When the skin is too tight and compromised the pore cannot clean out naturally and as a result open comedones (blackheads), closed comedones (congestion) and acne occur. 

The best advice I can give you before embarking on any kind of journey in skincare whether it be your first endeavor or time for an overhaul in your existing regiment, choose to be progressive rather than aggressive. I always recommend you consult with a an accredited professional to find out if the products and frequency of the steps in your skincare are necessary and right for you.

Have a wonderful day and love your journey!
