Serving Northern Ontario since 2000


Make the signs of Aging a Thing of the Past. You Are in Control.

Clear, firm skin can be something that you attain through genetics, and lucky for those of you who fall into this category. But for the rest of us, we work hard to fight against the elements that our skin is exposed to every day. In addition to that, we are sometimes exposed to the scrutiny of those around us. Most of all, we are our harshest judge and jury when it comes to how we value our appearance.

We have a certain amount of control on the condition of our skin based on what we put into our body or put our body through. We don’t always make the right choices when it comes to the food and drink we consume. Not everyone uses sunscreen year round to protect our skin against the exposure to the elements. Most people don’t realize that another huge factor is our stress levels and the impact that has on our bodies. Do we practice techniques to help us minimize our mental/physical stress? Some do, most don’t. For most of us, everyday life makes it difficult to always make the healthiest choices or take the time to focus on ourselves.

As we age, our collagen production slows down, collagen being the most abundant protein found in the body, which is the major component of connective tissue. This is the stuff that fills in those lines on your forehead or wrinkles around your mouth and when you’re younge,r your body is a collagen factory. As you get older, the collagen factory downsizes producing less and so begins the fine lines and wrinkles and other skin ailments. There is so much working against us - diet, sun, stress, age - it can be overwhelming.

But don’t despair! There are treatments that we can seek out that can help us minimize the effects of all of these elements on our skin, whether it is our face, our neck or our back. Our Laser Genesis treatments is the answer you’ve been searching for. Laser Genesis is a non-invasive, non-ablative treatment (it doesn’t injure the surface of the skin, so no peeling), that gently delivers heat to the dermal (deeper) layer of the skin to regenerate collagen.

Why do we love this treatment? It is not very time consuming (30-45 minutes) and you get to take this time out of your busy life to close your eyes, relax, get cozy and warm, while Roxanne helps to improve your complexion. She will also share her 18yrs of knowledge and experience during treatment and, she’s pretty entertaining too. :)

During the treatment, you will experience a gentle warming of the skin’s surface, as well the heat will penetrate the different layers of skin. The hand piece is moved back and forth about one inch above your skin and many clients express a comforting sensation, like that of the sun during a warm summer day. This heating will stimulate collagen production, shrinking enlarged pores and destroying damaged capillaries to reduce redness.

Immediately after the treatment your skin has a fresh glow, but it is during the next few days that you notice your skin starting to plump up, the fine lines begin to smooth out, and your redness and scars start to diffuse.

We space the treatments 2-4 weeks apart, as the effects on your skin are cumulative. Sometimes the results keep improving for weeks, if not months to come.

Given its gentle nature, you can expect minimal downtime and only mild side effects following a Laser Genesis treatment. Example: there may be a bit of redness and mild swelling but this usually subsides within a few hours after treatment for most people. After the treatment you can immediately return to normal activities but we do suggest strict sun protection with a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect the treated skin. Protect your investment.

To make the results last as long as possible, we encourage you to use sunscreen throughout the year, including wearing a hat whenever possible to really keep those rays off of your beautiful skin. Did you know winter sun is equally damaging? Winter sports enthusiasts know this reality all too well. We also recommend developing a skin care routine whether it’s going for seasonal facials and body treatments or simply a home care routine you follow to maintain your investment.

As with any of our services at All About Massage Day Spa, remember that this is all about YOU. Only you truly understand how you feel and see yourself. Forget what others think because the only thing that matters is how you think and feel. And that should remain your focus. This isn't about how others see you in person or in pictures you post on social media. This is about how you feel when you look in the mirror after your shower, this is about how you see yourself, and how you WANT to see yourself. And we are happy to provide some tools for you to use to get yourself to that place.