Serving Northern Ontario since 2000


LISS.....working smarter, not harder

Do you want to know the most highly undervalued fat-loss method that costs you nothing? Have you ever wanted to specifically target an area of stubborn fat?

What is stubborn fat? It’s the fat on your body that no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you restrict, it lingers.

What if I told you there’s something you can do that costs $0 and can be performed at home? If I’ve peaked your interest and you wish to learn about an undervalued fat-loss method, continue reading, I’ve got a great tip for you.

When we think of fat loss, we traditionally think of two ways to tackle it - high-intensity workouts and calorie-deficiency, meaning burning more calories than we consume.

There’s also a misconception that we need to invest in fancy gym clothes, expensive workout equipment and unrealistic meal plans to achieve fat loss, but let me share with you a method that is absolutely free, you can do on your own and be consistent with.

Introducing LISS - Low Intensity Steady State cardiovascular exercise. LISS is a style of training where you maintain a heart rate of 100 - 110 bpm, ideally for 45 mins without stopping. You don’t need a heart rate monitor to measure your beats per minute. Instead, measure if you’re able to hold a comfortable conversation while exercising - then you know you’re in the sweet spot.

Here are some examples of LISS exercises:





Jump rope

The key to LISS and burning stubborn fat is - when we perform this exercise in the absence of insulin, our bodies are more prone to oxidize those stubborn areas of body fat. So that means performing LISS in a fasted state for optimal results.

So knowing this, when is the best time to perform LISS? First thing in the morning. We’ve already been fasting for hours during sleep. So, first thing in the morning, jump into one of the exercises listed above. Want to be even more effective? Have a little bit of caffeine before you perform your exercise.

When it comes to stubborn fat loss, it’s not about working hard, it’s about working smarter.

Is this something you could see yourself trying? I know it’s difficult to accept that slowing down the pace of your exercise might be the answer to achieving your weight loss goals, but it’s definitely worth a try. It’s similar to the concept of increasing our calorie intake to help with weight loss, but that’s for another blog

Try this and let me know what you think. For those of you who have tried it all and are still fighting the stubborn fat, All About Massage has a proven effective treatment which you can learn more about and book a free consultation by clicking HERE.