Serving Northern Ontario since 2000


Seven Solutions for Dry Winter Skin

Waking up to snow so early in the season isn’t my favourite thing in the world, but I have to admit, it did look quite beautiful.

As our furnaces kick on and the temperature variations increase, it’s time to start thinking about our winter skincare. Let’s vow to not go through another winter flakey and uncomfortable just because we didn’t put in a little prep work.

Here’s our list of MUST-DO’s to keep your winter skin hydrated and supple:

No Hot Showers

Let’s start with what might be the most difficult one to accept. I love hot showers. It’s so relaxing and feels good...but our skin hates it. Nothing is going to dry you out faster than scalding hot water on your skin. Keep the temperatures warm and if you’re more of a bathtub dweller, add some oils or bath salts to add hydration to your skin..

Switch to a Gentle Cleanser

Your winter goal is to preserve your skin barrier which helps hold in vital moisture. How do you know if your cleanser is harsh? If you feel a tightness immediately after cleansing, that’s a good indication that your cleanser has disrupted your skin barrier and it’s time to make a switch. Consider using a gentler cleanser like our Wolf & Pine CannaBliss Cleanser. You can also add a double cleanse by coupling it with our Shroom Tip Cleansing Gel. You want your skin feeling calm and hydrated after washing, if it doesn’t, it’s time for a switch.

Try using an Oil/Moisturizer Combo

You might find in the winter months you need more moisture on your face. Try an oil and moisturizer combo. I use Wolf & Pine Tight & Moist oil along with my Thalgo Hydra-Marine 24 hour cream.

Put your oil on first then use your face cream to seal in all the moisture.

Get a Facial

Our spa professionals are here to help you through the dry skin season. Book in for a facial every 3-4 weeks for optimal care. That’s how long it takes your skin to move through an entire full life cycle of skin cell growth

Exfoliating weekly in between facial visits to get rid of dead skin is a great routine to get into. This allows your skin to maximize the absorption of your skin care products. We recommend the Cream Pie Glow Polish by Wolf & Pine.

Get a Humidifier

The drier the air the drier the skin. Adding a cool air humidifier in the room you spend the most time in, usually the bedroom, increases the moisture level in the air and in your skin. Humidifiers always used to scare me. Mold and bacteria can grow in them and end up in the air. One great option is the Honeywell Germ-Free edition, guaranteed to kill up to 99.9% of all bacteria and mold. I’m in! Check it out here if you are interested.

Carry Hand Lotion with You

Dry skin in the winter plus all the hand washing and sanitizing we are required to do, we need to keep our hands moist after each exposure to harsh anti-bacterial products. Apply lotion to your hands after every wash. Outdoor exposure to your hands can also dry out the skin. Make sure to wear mitts and gloves when you’re out in the cold! Consider using a heavy moisturizer on your hands and feet at night coupled with cotton gloves and socks to keep the moisture in while you sleep. Our Gehwol line has a few options for rich moisture sealing hand creams. Booking in for manicures and pedicures helps removed the dead dry skin to allow for your moisturizer to fully absorb keeping you soft and supple.

Switch your Pillowcase to Silk

This is a year-round trick. Cotton pillowcases are more likely to absorb moisture from the skin, trap in dirt and create bacteria than silk. Switching your pillowcase can help with breakouts and congested skin. Change your pillowcases every 3-5 days for optimal care.

I hope this helps keep you moist and happy all winter long. If you have any tips to add to the list that works for you, please comment below and let us know! We’re always open to hearing what works for our skin.

If you’re looking to be super diligent in this fight against the dry, flaky skin, let’s book in your monthly winter facials today!