Serving Northern Ontario since 2000


The Many Benefits of a Healthy Garden

Owning a garden can have many useful benefits, not only to the visual appeal of your home but to your overall health. Having gardens around your home or participating in community projects can not only lengthen your life but enhance it as well.

The relaxation of being in nature can help to de-stress you, taking you away from life’s difficulties and bringing you into the current moment. Similarly, the fresh air can clear your mind, bringing new perspectives and thought processes useful to the positive development of one’s self. Being outside also provides a significant amount of vitamin D, reducing your risk of diseases like heart disease, osteoporosis, and certain cancers. Studies have even found regularly participating in your garden to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s!

Moving through garden beds, stretching your body, and actively engaging your muscles throughout the process can serve as important muscle strengthening exercises and improve flexibility. This can reduce your risk of illnesses such as strokes. And unlike running on a treadmill in your basement, gardening can be far more rewarding, creating beautiful landscapes and nutritious foods, further improving your wellbeing.

Particularly for community gardening, participating in a meaningful activity with others in your town can be a great way to meet new people and socialize. The benefits of connecting with others in a purposeful way can not only lift your spirits but improve your self-esteem. Particularly when seeing those plants grow, a sense of purpose, belonging, and confidence may also blossom within you. Gardening can be a great way to promote mental health through not only its exercise and fresh air but self-esteem and community building as well.

There are multiple studies which site the benefits of gardening. From presence-building to rejuvenating air to important movement, there are so many ways that gardening can enhance the soul, mind, and body.

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